03 Apr

That Jones Boy

SA Sea Rescue Squadron
Barcoo Road
West Beach , 5024
(08) 8295 5062 or (08) 8295 5072
Sun 2:00 pm

Greg Hart is “That Jones Boy”! With powerful vocals and a performance that will thrill and excite you Hart takes you from the “Green, Green Grass of Home” on a journey through the life of the ultimate sex bomb, Tom Jones! Greg has once again put together a larger than life show featuring the Jus-Fa-Fun Band. Together the magnetic energy of this dynamic performer and his top-notch band entertain their audience showcasing Tom’s big hits.

Don’t miss this monumental show! (Watch out for flying knickers though)

For further information and bookings telephone Barry on 0406 635 258

Regrettably this show had to be cancelled due to Greg taking quite ill with a severe bout of vertigo – the one illness that can stop him from performing.

A FULL REFUND will be issued for prepaid tickets.

Knowing Greg as most of you do by now, you will understand how important it is to him to be able to perform at his best and be able to give you, as his loyal fans, the show he believes you truly deserve.

For this reason, an alternative date will be worked out for him to bring you That Jones Boy at the SA Sea Rescue Squadron. As soon as confirmation is received, it will be listed in the Gig Calendar.


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Greg Hart Entertainment
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